Day Zero Project – Read 100 books – #2

I’ve just finished reading Cuckoo by Julia Crouch

I really enjoyed it but was a little disappointed with the ending. It felt a little rushed and a bit of an anticlimax.
It started off as a real page turner but seemed to go downhill a bit towards the end. I started getting annoyed with the not knowing whether Polly was bad or Rose was paranoid. I wanted a definite answer and never got it.
As I closed the book after reading the last page all I could think was, surely she wouldn’t be so stupid again. It didn’t seem believable at all and the more I thought about it, the more annoyed I got.
It wasn’t like the ending of films where the big scary monster has been killed and than the final shot shows some eggs hidden deep underground; you’ve enjoyed the film so seeing the eggs means you’re really pleased that there’s a possibility of a sequel. No matter how many people have been killed, or buildings destroyed, you’re still fascinated by the monster and want to see more of it. However, you mainly want to see the humans triumph over the monster and you want to leave the book feeling satisfied that good overcame evil.
The thought that Rose would be so stupid as to let Polly anywhere near her family again made me angry and because I didn’t get any definite answers to the many questions I had, or that feeling that good won over evil, I didn’t want anything to do with any of the characters again.
The good thing about finishing a book is being able to choose a new one. You start with hope that it’s going to whisk you into a whole new world. I like that feeling and always look forward to checking out my ‘to read’ shelf to see where I’m going to be taken to next 🙂